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Raven Malone, an engineer who wants to bring a community-led approach to policing in Palo Alto, has added her name to the City Council race.

Raven Malone, an activist who supports reforming Palo Alto’s public safety practices, is running for the City Council. Courtesy Raven Malone.

Malone, who has been active in the Black Lives Matter movement, said she is concerned that the current council isn’t being responsive enough to the community when it comes to issues such as police reform and housing. She is hoping to change that.

“I’ve been advocating and listening to Palo Altans who feel like City Hall isn’t listening to them,” Malone said. “I decided to step up to ensure that the City Council listens and collaborates to serve the whole community.”

Malone grew up in Mobile, Alabama, which borders the Gulf Coast, and had spent two years in San Jose before moving to the Triple El neighborhood earlier this year, she told this news organization. She currently works for Perspecta, a Virginia-based technology company in the defense industry.

Malone, 28, said one of her top priorities, if elected, would be to reimagine public safety. To her, this means having unarmed personnel, rather than sworn officers; and taking the lead on issues such as homelessness, mental health issues and domestic violence (though an officer may at times need to accompany an unarmed professional for domestic violence cases). This is similar to the type of approach that is currently being advanced in Berkeley, which is shifting the responsibility for issuing traffic citations from police officers to unarmed civilians.

Malone has spoken out in favor of “defunding the police,” an approach that shifts dollars and responsibilities from the Police Department to community services. She has preached the message at recent rallies following the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer and on her Facebook page, where she expresses support for putting some of the funds that are currently used for police toward community programs and homeless services.

If elected, she said she would also turn her attention to improving public infrastructure and addressing the city’s housing crisis. On infrastructure, she said one of her priorities would be to revive the city’s Fiber to the Premises effort, a bid to expand the city’s underground fiber network to every neighborhood. While the city has been talking about this project for decades and has commissioned numerous studies and business plans, it has only made incremental improvements to the fiber system, which largely serves commercial customers. The COVID-19 pandemic, Malone said, has made high-speed internet more critical than ever.

“We should get fiber into every home in Palo Alto. … So many of us are working from home or have kids at home doing schoolwork. … Now is a better time to do it,” Malone said.

Another infrastructure project that Malone said she feels strongly about is flood protection. She took part in a rescue effort when Hurricane Harvey devastated parts of Texas and Louisiana in 2017. She said she and her friends rented a truck, drove to Texas and then spent four days helping people get out of their flooded homes.

After learning about the massive flood that hit Palo Alto, Menlo Park and East Palo Alto in February 1998, she wants to make sure that the cities improve flood protection around the volatile San Francisquito Creek. The cities have already made some strides to beef up protection when they completed the construction of levees downstream of U.S. Highway 101, a project that was led by the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority. Now, efforts are underway to reconstruct and boost capacity at some of the bridges that span the creek, including the Newell Road Bridge.

On housing, she believes Palo Alto should prioritize shelter for the neediest and for those who have been priced out. This means moving ahead with creating “safe parking” spaces for individuals who are forced to sleep in cars, allowing construction of “tiny homes” and working with nonprofits to create housing for teachers, people with disabilities and low-income workers. Some first responders and teachers currently have to commute two to three hours per day, she said.

In contrast to those who believe the city should focus exclusively on below-market-rate housing, she believes Palo Alto needs more housing for all income levels.

“We need to create both affordable housing for our workers, our seniors, people who work here and can’t afford to live here, and still need to create market-rate housing and townhomes,” Malone said.

She also believes that the city can do more to address its legacy of discrimination when it comes to housing. This includes removing racial exclusion clauses from deeds that exclude Black people (and in some cases Chinese and Japanese residents) from occupying the homes. Even though these restrictions have not been legal since 1948, they have not entirely disappeared, Malone said. She believes it’s time to change that and believes the city should be more proactive on the issue.

“As a Black person myself, I can imagine how hurtful and painful it would be to buy a brand-new home and read the deed and see that it says that the home shouldn’t be sold to a Black person,” Malone said.

The engineer is competing for one of four seats that will be up for grabs in November. Three incumbent council members — Mayor Adrian Fine, Councilwoman Lydia Kou and Councilman Greg Tanaka — are all eligible to seek fresh four-year terms. Kou and Tanaka have declared their intentions to seek a fresh term. Councilwoman Liz Kniss is terming out at the end of the year.

Other candidates in the race are former Mayor Pat Burt, attorney Rebecca Eisenberg, attorney Steven Lee, teacher Greer Stone; Planning and Transportation Commission Chair Cari Templeton; and planning Commissioner Ed Lauing.

Gennady Sheyner covers local and regional politics, housing, transportation and other topics for the Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto Online and their sister publications. He has won awards for his coverage...

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  1. I have lived here in Palo Alto since 1988 and have never really felt heard. After listening to Raven speak and how much time and empathy she gave to me and the issues that pain my family and friends, I realized that she is a special, inspiring woman who I need to support. Having Raven in office in Palo Alto would make me burst in pride and would help give a perspective and representation that many of us who grew up here a voice.

  2. I’m so excited that Raven is running for city council! She is such a caring and empathetic friend – I never thought I would actually feel represented by a candidate in Palo Alto. Her candidacy means so much to me – representation matters!

  3. As a long time Palo Alto resident, parent of three kids (2 in PAUSD), and woman of color, I am proud to support Raven for City Council. There is no more important issue for me than community safety, especially given everything happening in our country. I want to live in a community where everyone feels welcome and safe. In listening to Raven and the issues she cares about, I know she hears me and my concerns. She will be a strong voice and advocate for all Palo Altans. I know she will work hard to make our city more equitable and inclusive. I cannot wait to cast my vote for her in November.

  4. I met Raven recently and was blown away by her story. She seems super smart and hardworking and would be a breath of fresh air on the council.

  5. Awesome news! As a guy who grew up here, I think we could use some fresh perspectives on city council. I know Raven personally. She’s EXACTLY what we need.

  6. This is so exciting! Amazing to see somebody step up from the community and bring this much-needed voice to the city council. I’m very much looking forward to seeing Raven implement these amazing ideas for Palo Alto.

  7. I have lived in Palo Alto the last 6-years and I’m so thrilled that Raven decided to run! She represents so many of us young professionals. I can attest that Raven shows up and gives it her all, every day, for everyone. As one of her roommates, I’m so lucky to be around her positive, can-do energy every day, and I witness first hand her compassion, hard work, and dedication.
    I can’t wait for that same passion and dedication to go to City Hall! When she says she will get something done, she means it.

  8. We need MORE people of color on the PACC. Why are there so few at present?

    African-Americans are underrepresented in Palo Alto municipal politics even though we comprise roughly 10% of the city’s population.

    It is time to RISE and elect MORE
    people of color to ALL governing PA councils, committees and boards.

    Our collective voice MUST and will be HEARD!

  9. I am thrilled to hear that Raven is running for City Council. As a Palo Altan, I know that Raven’s voice is exactly what we need on our City Council.

    I am so honored to call Raven my friend. I trust her to listen to our community and be an outstanding advocate for our city’s residents.

  10. Since she wants to be associated with Black Lives Matter, she must also answer the questions about the organization.

    1. Do you also believe that the nuclear family needs to be dismantled and that all cis-gendered men, including African-American men, should be sidelined?
    2. Do you agree with the Marxist beliefs espoused by the BLM leaders?
    3. Where is all that money being donated to BLM going to?

    If you answer to the BLM organization, how do we know that you will prioritize our local concerns over the desires of the national organization? How do you know that the broader Palo Alto community wants your version of police reform?

    And Sally asks a great question – how long have you been here? Or are you like another San Diego resident moving up here to stir trouble? Seems oddly coincidental.

  11. I am so excited to see someone who represents so many people run for City Council. To go from protesting in the street side by side with citizens to city council is truly inspiring. Finally…someone who is actually doing something.

  12. Having lived in Palo Alto for 21 years, this is the first time I’ve been excited about our City Council. I met Raven earlier this year and have had incredibly meaningful discussions with her about Palo Alto and the challenges residents of our cities face.

    Putting her name down the moment I receive my mail-in ballot!!

  13. Raven would be a fantastic edition to City Council. Those of us who chose to move to Palo Alto out of love for the city even with the exorbitant housing prices. I work in Tech, but buying a house in this area is virtually unattainable and unsustainable. This is my dream area, and I really wish I could afford to retire here.

    She is brilliant and has a passion for this city. I think she will bring a much positive change for Palo Alto residents and create a much more inclusive environment for all to enjoy this beautiful city.

  14. Raven has some great ideas but she needs to bone up on Palo Alto a bit.

    1) The city has an absurdly long history of ignoring residents’ concerns. Look how the city manager refuses to discuss the MTA/Housing targets with us even though they obviously need to be revised in the face of the pandemic. Look how they tell residents complaining about traffic “improvements” that we’re wrong and they’ll waste OUR money on consultants to tell us we’re wrong.

    2) The city lacks the capability to get fiber to the home. It’s tried repeatedly and failed repeatedly. Their management information systems are a joke. Just ask public works to look up problems previously reported by location and you’ll see they can’t even do that.

    Otherwise good luck to her in challenging the city manager and the mayor who unilaterally imposed that absurd 10-day curfew.

  15. Raven is a great human being and an empathetic listener. She is definitely needed on PACC which has, for so long, only represented the interests of our wealthiest and most privileges residents. Raven will fight for marginalized communities throughout our city. She has my vote.

  16. Defund the police supporter? Social justice warrior? With less than a year understanding of what this city is and how it functions? Welcome to the city, but no thanks for a council member… city councils’ job is to run city functions, not pursue “justice” crusades. What is her position on contending with city pension obligations and their impact on future budgets? preventing continual increases in utility rates while siphoning off more money to the general fund?(I don’t think developing city fiber will help here … last I checked it is possible to get internet service in Palo Alto quite easily and we don’t take on any more tax burden/budget impact, or pension obligations to do it). Allowing/encouraging continued office development far outstripping housing? State bills like SB50 that aim to smash residential neighborhoods? sales tax increases for Caltrain, Bart, Homeless etc. that if not stopped will soon make our sales tax rate > 10%? Caltrain crossings / electrification impacts on ground transportation in the city? Figuring out how to dig out from COVID-19 economic collapse and help local small businesses avoid going extinct?

  17. “PACC which has, for so long, only represented the interests of our wealthiest and most privileges residents”

    I think you mean that it’s represented the wealthiest and most privileged real estate developers and big tech continually shifting the costs of their growth onto all residents.

    Please let her come up to speed on Palo Alto by first serving on the Human Rights Commission where her voice will be especially valuable. Let her fight with the county district attorney to ensure he actually charges bad cops for the misdeeds.

  18. I’m confident that Raven would, as a City Council member, be vigilant in advocating for the issues that Palo Altans are concerned about, rather than the special moneyed interests of business/development. It is frustrating to see the Council/City Government repeatedly bend to the power of money rather than the voices of the people, and Raven will most definitely be a breath of fresh air in bringing long-neglected city residents’ interests back to the table. Will be putting her name down on my mail-in ballot or (if possible) at a socially-distanced voting booth!

  19. BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors recently explained on camera that the main skill she and co-founder Alicia Garza bring to the leadership of BLM is that of “…trained organizers, trained Marxists, super versed in ideological theories”.

    Being a trained Marxist today means being trained to infiltrate and disrupt in order to create the kind of chaos that makes the failed Marxist ideology look like it might be a viable alternative to free enterprise.

    It is going to be interesting to watch Raven explain the virtues of Marxism to Palo Alto’s many residents who are immigrants from Communist China and the former Soviet Union.

  20. Ms. Malone expresses values I appreciate, but she has no experience at all in government. This matters. Especially in a time of crisis. We do not want Council Members learning on the job. People do this by starting on commissions where they learn about the tools and levers of government and how to make them work for the people.

    Council Members must be prepared to work with staff to create, review and approve extremely complex budgets and make hard choices. They also have to analyze traffic data, understand the ins and outs of zoning and municipal code and make difficult decisions on complex development issues. A strong aptitude for very complex data analysis is important. They need in-depth understanding of land use and transportation policies and comprehensive planning, and we don’t want them learning those skills on the job. Council members also have to make data-driven decisions on utilities. I think Ms. Malone needs at least a couple of years on one or two commissions where she can gain relevant experience in these critically important areas. Planning & Transportation Commission is the best training ground for Council Members. She and every other Council candidate should be starting by applying for a commission, ideally PTC.

    I like what I am reading about her values, but she won’t get my vote until she demonstrates the knowledge and skills that make a good Council members by serving on a commission that provides good training.

    We have had so much staff turnover at city hall in recent years, we need more experienced Council members. Very few staff carry historical knowledge any more. The city also uses a lot of consultants who bring a narrow project-focused approach that doesn’t consider the big picture and often overlooks Comp Plan directives. Many of them seem uninterested in investigating prior history on projects they are working on. They also seem not to understand or appreciate the benefits of public process. They end up giving bad advice to Council Members. We need excellent critical thinkers who have experience with complex city budgets, land use and transportation and utilities. These will be the challenges for the next City Council, especially with Covid.

    So far, only Pat Burt has my vote. The field looks short on experience and aptitude for me. They are going to have to EARN my vote by learning a lot and making an excellent showing in upcoming forums. Sitting Council Members have been a disappointment, including the latest, CM Cormack who seems to prepare and appears bright, but doesn’t demonstrate critical thinking by identifying and challenging erroneous assumptions in staff reports. She seems to rubber stamp staff’s recommendations. I think this is partly because she never served on PTC.

    We need stronger candidates.

  21. It is also going to interesting to see how Palo Alto’s wealthy real-estate developers react to the monster they have created by funding Palo Alto’s phony progressive housing advocates.

  22. @Needs relevant experience,

    Commissions are a school for scoundrels. A casting couch where the the real-estate industry selects the next corrupt politician to push into a position of power with campaign funds and endorsements from seasoned politicians already corrupted by real-estate industry money.

  23. Let’s be honest. No matter who is on the council (in any city) people will complain. Do people ever say anything positive once they’re elected?

  24. Thanks as always to someone who is willing to run for council office.

    I am very wary after a headline suggests she is working for the BLM organization. I have nothing against the blm ideals of individuals, but the organization and its agenda to destroy capitalism and the nuclear family is worrying to me. For that reason I am wary that the organization itself may be something that Palo Alto does not need on our CC.

  25. Excited to finally see a candidate run on a platform for systemic change. For too long Palo Alto has been marked with great inequity! Raven is the leader we need!

  26. A response to the naysayers…

    Quotes: “how long have you been here? Or are you like another San Diego resident moving up here to stir trouble? Seems oddly coincidental.”

    ^ Threatened by a recently arrived resident? You were once one as are many Palo Altans.

    “Ms. Malone expresses values I appreciate, but she has no experience at all in government..”

    ^ If Barack Obama (a first term U.S. Senator) had taken that mindset…

    “she needs to bone up on Palo Alto a bit.”

    ^ So do the current PACC members.

    ” It is going to be interesting to watch Raven explain the virtues of Marxism to Palo Alto’s many residents who are immigrants from Communist China and the former Soviet Union.”

    ^ Raven does not have to explain Marxism to the PA voters regardless of where they came from.

    A vote for RAVEN is a vote for progressive CHANGE in Palo Alto.

    Detractors and old school mentalities need not apply!

  27. Thank you, Raven, for the work you have already done and the work you will continue to do. I am happy to see a strong voice with values running for a seat on council.

  28. A closing thought to the naysayers…

    Are you promoting or clinging to your ethnocentrist mindsets via unsubstantiated commentaries?

    Why not come out and say you are opposed to additional people of color assuming responsible roles in municipal government.

    Sadly, your ‘true colors’ are showing.

    VOTE for RAVEN & help build a better Palo Alto!

  29. Ok, I would say that the fact that in the two hours between Palo Alto Weekly blast tipping me to this story and now that there are 33 people commenting on raven’s being in the race means she is adding a lot just by being on the podium and here on the Internet.
    I’m very excited about Rebecca Eisenberg, and I would say I am definitely voting for Raven Malone as well unless there’s a deal breaker like is she an anti-Semite (like Rebecca Parker Mankey or DeSean Jackson, Nick Cannon, Louis Farrakhan).
    Welcome to Palo Alto. Good luck.

  30. ” now that there are 33 people commenting on raven’s being in the race means she is adding a lot just by being on the podium and here on the Internet”

    Or there’s big-time astroturfing. Right out of the BLM Marxist playbook.

  31. Wow tremendous amount of paid(?) shills in this thread. Y’all are not fooling anyone.

    I had a feeling even Palo Alto wasn’t safe from this new cancer taking over nation.

  32. I’m definitely looking forward to hearing more about her perspective on current issues — a perspective that is very much needed on the city council!

  33. The BLM organization head says on FB she is a Marxist trained instigator. Okay – Marx and Engle wrote the Communist Manifesto. You can go on Wikipedia and read what that is about. But you already know. So are we going to run a city on a day to day basis or get submerged in BLM strategies? We have a city to run – Caltrain, water, development, etc. That is what the PACC is suppose to be discussing. We are already in trouble here because the Caltrain discussion shows how screwed up we are.

  34. >> This means moving ahead with creating “safe parking” spaces for individuals who are forced to sleep in cars,

    Bad idea.

    >> allowing construction of “tiny homes”

    Um– on what land? I know “tiny homes” are fashionable, but, we don’t have land for apartments, let alone tiny homes.

    >> Some first responders and teachers currently have to commute two to three hours per day, she said.

    For first responders, it isn’t a social justice issue– they choose to. Because of the way their shifts work, firemen often live 100 miles from work where housing is very affordable.

    >> In contrast to those who believe the city should focus exclusively on below-market-rate housing, she believes Palo Alto needs more housing for all income levels.

    Lost me right there. A sitting duck for the Developers. No hard feelings please– we really do need police reform. But, Palo Alto already has plenty of high-end housing– almost all of it already! We only need more affordable housing.

  35. @Me 2 — And let he she they sis who is without pen name cloak cast the first WTF about PAWs comment board flaws: I might be naïve even though I harangue Bill Johnson on this point every six months but is it also possible that there are a bunch of young people who coordinated rallies murals and more and said say something nice for Raven which is utterly organic? I never heard of her but instantaneously I would support this person I might be naïve even though I harangue Bill Johnson on this point every six months but is it also possible that there are a bunch of young people who coordinated rallies murals and more and said say something nice for Raven which is utterly organic? I never heard of her but instantaneously I would support this person .And I am in elite m********* who owns a home and business and real estate so step back b**** and let the sister spit

  36. >” I had a feeling even Palo Alto wasn’t safe from this new cancer taking over nation.”

    ^ Social awareness & a call for changes to counter wrongdoings of the past is not a malignancy.

    On the other hand, pervasive bigotry to ensure the continued suppression of minorities is.

    Are some of these anti-Raven sentiments reflective of the real
    Palo Alto…a supposed bastion of mutual respect, consideration, and progressive thought?

  37. And — and I just saw a recommendable podcast of Cornell West, apropos of Prof Eddie Glaude on James Baldwin, referencing and riffing on Coltrane’s interplay with his rhythm section on “Love Supreme” both as metaphor and subtext — maybe especially since most of the campaign will be mediated, each candidate can cue a 30 second needle drop before he she they speak, like when Brandon Crawford steps up to the plate — I’m not running but I’d go with Soul Coughing “Super Bon Bon” 0:00 to 0:20 spliced to :40 to :48 just the bass and guitars.
    We need leaders who are culturally adept and adroit, and not a drain.

  38. As a transplant in this community, I am in the opinion that she is a talented and promising young engineer. I really hope and recommend that she focuses on her engineering carrier (we need more women of color in engineering) instead of entering in a rather messy city council role. To play a useful role in the latter position, she probably needs some years of staying around for better understanding of the community issues and priorities. While BLM is a commendable cause, the learnings from the movement has probably little impact on already progressive towns in Bay Area.

  39. I warmly welcome Raven Malone to the City Council race, and look forward to discussing how we can work together towards our mutual goals of inclusion, police reform, housing, infrastructure, and justice. We have four empty seats, and with four fresh voices, we can make positive change in Palo Alto!

  40. As a person of color, I deeply reject anyone who will use ‘race’ as a card to get votes. Let’s be color blind and say NO to anyone who peddles in racist politics. To admire or diminish someone due to their race is technically a ‘racist’.

  41. One year of residence doesn’t bother me. Raven is obviously extremely intelligent and I have not doubt that she can listen and read and will be well versed on topics she currently is new to by the time they come to a vote.

  42. “but is it also possible that there are a bunch of young people who coordinated rallies murals and more and said say something nice for Raven which is utterly organic?”

    No. The population of Palo Alto Online readers is mostly long-term residents. And me, who likes to make fun of them. Any act of mass posting by people who have never contributed before is automatically suspect. This is the internet, after all.

    Especially if yet another person from San Diego who happened to recently move to Palo Alto. That last person is trying to get us to pass an idiotic wealth tax.

    Seems oddly coincidental.

    Now we have another carpetbagger from San Diego who is now trying to run for office. I guess it works for coastal liberals since Hillary was able to pull that off in New York to become a Senator.

    ” I never heard of her but instantaneously I would support this person “

    That’s all it takes for someone to get your support?

    Wow. Not that impressed.

  43. quote: “We have four empty seats, and with four fresh voices, we can make positive change in Palo Alto!”
    ∆ Curious…what is the actual City Council breakdown in terms of various ethnicities? I am aware of some Asian-Americans & Jewish-Americans currently serving but not much else.

    Raven would certainly add some diversity to a city council and city that prides itself on such.

    quote: “Especially if yet another person from San Diego who happened to recently move to Palo Alto. That last person is trying to get us to pass an idiotic wealth tax.”

    ∆ If one can afford to pay a wealth tax and the proceeds go towards assisting those less endowed, why not?

    After all, Palo Alto isn’t Danville

  44. Leteisha Brown asks. “”Are some of these anti-Raven sentiments reflective of the real Palo Alto…a supposed bastion of mutual respect, consideration, and progressive thought?”

    Some of the comments were legitimate questions / suggestions, ALL of which you dismissed in your rush to call us all bigots. Too bad you didn’t look at the incredibly diverse ethnic makeup of the Palo Alto BLM protests and those sponsored by Raging Grannies. Some “mutual respect” would be special — and would do your candidate more good!

    Many of us are very tired of sloganeering. I’m tired of YIMBY’s preaching “housing” while opposing BMR units and rent control while pushing for more office space that will make housing even less affordable. I’m tired of developer backing the bike lobby and preaching “car-light” fairy tales while planning to add millions of people to the roads but which allow developers to stack and pack.

    What’s Raven’s stance on the ABAG/MTA targets? Where do ALL the candidates stand on fighting against those targets?

  45. Live in palo Alto for only 6 months and try to represent Palo Alto for how we want to live? We really should set a minimum number of years as resident here before one can run for city council. We don’t want someone who just moved here to turn Palo Alto into some other towns.

  46. Good for you, Raven. Dive into Palo Alto politics. Win, lose or draw, it’s a worthy undertaking for you and us. Ignore the mean people, learn from the smart ones including your opponents. We need your perspective and experience.
    Where the heck is the 3L neighborhood?

  47. Any opportunity to have representation of BIPOC is great news…..except when it’s Raven Malone. Raven’s worth ethic is lacking and her over abundant use of excuses in her professional career have me worried for Palo Alto. I highly doubt she is willing to represent people of color when she is barely able to represent herself and her skill set in her professional career. Take this warning with a grain of salt if you must, but rest assured that electing Raven will cause more harm than good.

  48. Raven Malone:
    1. Has lived in Palo Alto for only 6 months
    2. Might be a coming from San Diego to stir up some trouble in Palo Alto
    3. Zero government experience or training
    4. A possible lack of worth ethic
    5. Barely able to represent herself and her skill set in her professional career

    Placing ALL THAT ASIDE, name a possible downside! You can’t!
    I am fully in on Raven!
    Raven you have the vote of TVPOA.
    Don’t worry you will win now!
    Get ready to get work hard on that City Council.
    Or not.
    if you just want to relax a little bit after you get elected it’s fine also.
    I mean it’s a pretty tough job and I don’t want you to stress out!
    Congratulations Raven!

  49. The Black Voters Matters group could enter the picture & play a significant role by securing the majority of Palo Alto African-American votes for Raven.

    This will be critical as a sizeable number of mixed votes will also be needed to secure her place on the PACC.

    There are some residents who will disapprove of her ascension to this vital role in city government but politics aside, there will always be those who wish to keep people of color in their place.

    This is unfortunate as Palo Alto is supposed to be a far cry from Jim Crow sensibilities & sensitivities.

    Given some of the shaded opposition being posted, perhaps the Freedom Bus detoured the city on its way to Alabama.

    Go Raven and win big!

  50. Is Palo Alto city council going to become like Berkeley and Portland in their politics! Maybe it is time to move to Milpitas! If I am going to be pushed to the left any further, I may fall off the rock!

  51. Could someone enlighten us on Raven’s personal and professional background?

    Just hearing people say they’re for or against her is pretty meaningless.

    And please note that not all Black Lives Matter supporters are black or African-American. Look at what’s going on in Portland!

  52. “As a person of color, I deeply reject anyone who will use ‘race’ as a card to get votes. Let’s be color blind and say NO to anyone who peddles in racist politics. To admire or diminish someone due to their race is technically a ‘racist’.”

    I didn’t see that anywhere in the interview, it’s literally her beliefs and platforms. No where did I see her say vote for me because of race. Maybe you aren’t as “color blind” as you think.

  53. Raven Malone would be a voice for those too long unheard in Palo Alto. We claim to be a welcoming community valuing equity and progress. Let’s make that more than empty words. Seeing progressive candidates like Raven in addition to Cari Templeton and Steven Lee run gives me hope that the Palo Alto we talk about might actually be a realistic proposition.

  54. I’m a bit confused on why the censors let me say, above “step back b**** and let the sister spit” but put behind a wall a reference to DeSean Jackson, Nick Cannon — Black-Jewish relations.

    In a related matter, my wife, a former commissioner and a current person of color — pronouns she, her — and she can quote Awkwafina “My Vag” deep into the third stanza — mentions that she heard on NPR that John Muir was an anti-Yosemite.

    Mark Weiss
    former Editor in Chief Gunn Oracle
    A.B. in English, Dartmouth College
    trainee, Peninsula Times Tribune
    self-described “elite m**********”
    Plastic Alto blog (my rag, like tasting heaven; yo rag, manages the 7-11

  55. “Is Palo Alto city council going to become like Berkeley and Portland in their politics! Maybe it is time to move to Milpitas! If I am going to be pushed to the left any further, I may fall off the rock!”

    Take it easy here and don’t get all carried away!
    If you don’t want to vote for the great Raven, then fine, don’t! But don’t put all this extra Berkeley and Portland stuff on her! She is just a person excited about an opportunity! I applaud her for running and taking a chance in life and guess what, since she has the FULL backing of TVOPA, Raven will be your new city council member! GUARANTEED! I heard Milipitas is pretty nice though! GO RAVEN!

  56. Just for fun, I am trying to figure out how I should vote. I can’t speak about her politics because I may be carried away overloading her positions. I can’t speak about her experience because I may be putting her down. I can’t speak about her residency because I may be called elite. I can’t make analogies to Portland because there is no Federal building in Palo Alto. Furthermore someone has already guaranteed her to win. So the only thing left to decide is that she is very cute. But wait, that is sexist. I give up, but please don’t block the streets when you take over.

  57. Palo Alto has never had a really good looking person On Council so I say that’s a plus in ravens favor. France nearly had a really good looking person as President they got an OK looking man who actually shares my birthday and has a beautiful rockstar wife.
    Palo Alto has also never had an out of closet gay or lesbian on counsel and I would welcome that.
    The diversity of types is a strength we don’t need three white tech executives over 5’11.

  58. “Seeing progressive candidates like Raven in addition to Cari Templeton and Steven Lee run gives me hope that the Palo Alto we talk about might actually be a realistic proposition.”

    I don’t consider banning flavored pipe tobacco as Mr. Lee pushed for progressive. In fact, Palo Alto voters supported legalizing marijuana but I’ve yet to see Palo Alto allow dispensaries within its borders. Where are the progressives on that?

    Cari is a member of YIMBY so she’s lost my vote as would Raven is she’s also pro-YIMBY.

    Is Raven a member of the well-financed YIMBY party? Voters need to know.

    Also, providing a bio for an unfamiliar candidate would be special.

  59. “Sorry, what is TVPOA? Searched paloaltoonline and google but…”
    Apologies Granny B.
    I meant TVOPA and that is me.
    I just had a typo!
    Once I throw my support behind Raven which I already have she is a shoo-in to win. In fact, it’s guaranteed now! They should pretty much just get her started now so she can get a jump start!
    I just don’t want Raven to get stressed out as I am sure this will be a tough job!


    Stay safe with this darn virus!

  60. Posted by Paly Student, a resident of Midtown

    >> Seeing progressive candidates like Raven in addition to Cari Templeton and Steven Lee run gives me hope that the Palo Alto we talk about might actually be a realistic proposition.

    Templeton: “[…] typically votes with the more pro-growth faction, which also includes William Riggs and Michael Alcheck”

    Supporting the Developer’s agenda is not my idea of “progressive”. Malone seems to be giving off the same signals. Just throw in the word “housing” and presumably some people will reflexively vote for it even if it makes the jobs/housing imbalance work. We need people on PACC who can do the arithmetic that the Developers don’t want us to see.

  61. I agree with Me2. Lots of questions about those who subscribe to Black Lives Matter. Not the headline about equality for African Americans but the rest of the belief system that I believe many people have not educated themselves on-Marxism, breakdown nuclear families, destroy democracy and put Blacks over all other people’s needs. And someone who has lived here less than a year, hmm. Palo Alto is more diverse and complicated than people would think and this is after living here 20 years and working in the school system where you meet all types of people.

  62. “Palo Alto has never had a really good looking person On Council so I say that’s a plus in ravens favor.”
    Hey Mark! Can you tone down your comments. You are starting to get weird in here with your podcast mentions, NPR stuff, and now talking about what Raven looks like. It’s a little creepy.

    Are you for or against Raven and why or why not?

    I can’t even tell because you are jibber-jabbering about The Love Supreme, “metaphors and subtext,” and mentioning the looks of the President of France and his wife and trying to show off here. Stop it please. Stick to the topic at hand and don’t judge a person by their looks. If they can do the job they can do the job and it doesn’t matter what they look like so stop it! You are creeping me out today to be honest.

  63. Reading through some of these positive reviews is like reading reviews on Amazon. Totally manufactured and fake. Almost as if someone was paid to post these reviews.

  64. > “Reading through some of these positive reviews is like reading reviews on Amazon. Totally manufactured and fake. Almost as if someone was paid to post these reviews.”

    ^ Speculation.

    But all things considered,
    it seems a good number of Palo Alto residents are dissatisfied with the current PACC members and are iching for a change.

  65. The glowing reviews of Raven remind me of the 5-star reviews on Amazon — reviews that publishers and authors pay people to write. The vibe I get from Raven is she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Someone said it earlier: pure astro-turf — Raven is the opposite of a grass roots candidate. She’s 28 years old. She’s lived in the Bay Area just a little over 2 years. She’s lived in Palo Alto less than six months!!! She knows nothing about this community. The glowing reviews are vague, warm feels, platitudes and nonsense. Her sole issue is BLM. When people tell you who they are, listen! This is a total set-up. Beware.

  66. Careful, you can’t say anything whatsoever that even slightly resembles criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement or the moderator will delete your post.

    HI, MODERATOR! I hope you feel proud of yourself, mighty Social Justice Warrior.

    Moderator’s like: “get that shit outta here!”

  67. “The glowing reviews are vague, warm feels, platitudes and nonsense.”

    I am so sorry you feel that way about Raven! It’s too bad that you do because she IS going to win now with MY backing! No experience, has only lived here in PA for less than 6 months so and so forth. So what! What can possibly go wrong? She’s perfect for this job!

    What’s wrong with her doing all of this:
    reimagine public safety. having unarmed personnel, rather than sworn officers; and taking the lead on issues such as homelessness, mental health issues and domestic violence (though an officer may at times need to accompany an unarmed professional for domestic violence cases). That all sounds good to me and she will get this done with NO problem! Raven is a leader!

    Maybe you just have something personal against Raven that we aren’t aware of? When Raven wins as its already a completely forgone conclusion because I am backing her as a candidate, I expect you to not only give her a warm welcome to City Council but for you to also be supportive of whatever she does these next few years! Calling her a “Wolf in Sheep in Clothes” today was totally inappropriate!
    For the betterment of Palo Alto:

  68. Mark – and The Voice of Palo Alto – you are only each one vote. That is it.
    Mark – why is the city council a panacea for your perceived social shortfalls? It’s description is conducting the business of Palo Alto. Not taking care of your social ills.

    Voice – you sound like Soros funded organization. Not buying ANYONE who has lived here two months. We need experienced people who can see the upside and downside of issues. She has no experience in the region. No basis from which to make decisions.

    And Mr. Lee wants us to be more progressive? What does that mean?
    On the news tonight DT deleted the legislative move to transition everyone into a non-designated property classification. That was hidden from view. YEAH.

  69. “ Voice – you sound like Soros funded organization. Not buying ANYONE who has lived here two month”
    Thanks? I think? Maybe not…
    Two months is enough time! What could go wrong?

    Mark – and The Voice of Palo Alto – you are only each one vote. That is it.
    That’s what you think. TVOPA has given Raven my FULL backing and ALL of my followers will now ALSO vote for her. This election is over.
    I will see you back in the article announcing Raven’s victory and at Raven’s virtual victory party to gloat!


  70. There’s a Doonesbury comic strip from circa 1987 about the surprise selection of Indianian Dan Quayle as VP and it shows a young woman saying that she really wants a good looking person on the ticket, but then in the last panel the same character communicates that the focus group did not account for sarcasm.
    If Raven Malone is personally attractive, that should help her.
    “Creepy” to me are things like PAW deleting my comments, or people posting anonymously, or the president sending federal troops to fight Americans in Portland.
    When I meet Raven Malone I will likely sense if she is wary of my interest in her. I’m a 56 year old married man. Both my wife and I are very well known here, but not public figures.
    Covid is creepy, I’m just contagious.

  71. Raven Malone does not live in our Triple El neighborhood as she stated in this article. I personally know every neighbor because of my Block Preparedness Coordinator (BPC) position and have a current list of residents including tenants and owners. Perhaps she should post her address for greater transparency.

  72. “There’s a Doonesbury comic strip from circa 1987 about the surprise selection of Indianian Dan Quayle as VP and it shows a young woman saying that she really wants a good looking person on the ticket, but then in the last panel the same character communicates that the focus group did not account for sarcasm“

    I think I figured you out after that Doonesbury reference. You are presenting your comments like you are writing like a “Mini-Blog” here.

    It’s cool Mark. I am not the moderator but I’m not sure we need witty references to show how “eclectic you are” (NPR/Doonesbury Comics/Love Supreme) as a means to “delight the reader.” It’s up to you though. Or if you do all of that just try to end with a clearer representation of your stance on the topic instead of shrouding your stance under layers of ambiguity by being superfluous. Remember: Half as long, twice as strong.

    I am not criticizing you for that necessarily. I was just a little weirded out by the Raven looks comments. Like I said it doesn’t matter what a person looks like, it’s about if they can do the job.

    But perhaps I misinterpreted your comments about Raven and took what you said the wrong way as I was trying to slice through the endless layers of obscure references and witticisms.
    Apologies if I did misinterpret your comments and that wasn’t your intent as you seem like an ok guy here. Good luck and stay contagious!

    Glad you are well known in PA!

  73. I remember meeting Goapele the half Jewish half Setswanese singer at a music conference when she was about 27, I was about 40 and her not being very impressed with my list of clients, so ever since then I am wary that young people especially females might see me as old or “creepy” as TVOPA suggests.
    I’m hopeful that Raven Malone’s campaign and platform merit the excitement she herein stirs.
    If I had to vote today, though I usually wait until November to vote, I’d go: Eisenberg,Kou, Malone and Stone or the handy acronym SMEK.

  74. @Me 2 at 7/23 comment —
    I know roughly 30 current members of leadership, and ran for Council three times and married an arts commissioner. But on another level, how well do any of us know anybody?
    The Palo Alto elections, in my opinion, are designed to be superficial. The move from odd to even years was to further that: more voters, but more clutter, from national elections.
    For someone like me, whether you think of me as sophisticated or not, to, in the context of the impressive 5,000 person BLACK LIVES MATTER rally I attended on June 3, and the amazing murals (in 14 of 16 cases — one is anti-Semitic, the other bogged down by praxis), then yes, the emergence of even a carpet-bagging young Black educated activistic (beautiful) female would tend to draw voters. Methinks.
    But it depends on what happens when she opens her mouth. Or will I meet her, in Covid times?
    I just invented a slate and acronym and character SMEK — it’s apparently sharing a name with a cartoon character voiced by Steve Martin — for Eisenberg, Kou, Raven Malone and Greer Stone, or Stone-Malone-slant rhyme-Eisenberg-Kuo-incumbent but then Rebecca points out, that I had forgotten that Greer Stone is suspect in some eyes because he did not testify against his half-brother who was convicted of a sex crime.
    Politics is a messy business.
    (And by the way, I invented or predicted the winning hand last time TEA, as in What’s the TEA, sis? for Tom, Eric and Alison one L)
    Mic drop
    shabbat shalom
    don’t delete me, b***** (that’s “billj”)

  75. Posted by Leteisha Brown, a resident of Ventura

    >> it seems a good number of Palo Alto residents are dissatisfied with the current PACC members and are iching for a change.

    Not all city council members are alike. Frankly.

    I’m dissatisfied with Kniss, Fine, Tanaka, and Cormack, because they keep finding ways to rationalize the destruction of quality of life as “progress”. We have way too many jobs here, massive auto commuting into the city (pre-Covid-19), residents’ services declining, noise, dust, and diesel soot from all the heavy construction trucks/equipment, and, they just see it as “urban vibrancy”.

    -No more office space-

  76. Mark Weiss wrote:

    “Palo Alto has also never had an out of closet gay or lesbian on counsel and I would welcome that.”

    You are forgetting retired Judge LaDoris Cordell who was elected in 2003 and served a four-year term on Palo Alto’s City Council.

  77. >”I’m dissatisfied with Kniss, Fine, Tanaka, and Cormack, because they keep finding ways to rationalize the destruction of quality of life as “progress”. “

    ^ A simple solution…then vote these individuals OUT via alternative council candidates.

    Perhaps they are not as civic-minded as they profess to be.

    Or maybe they are using the PACC as a stepping stone to a Santa Clara Board of Supervisors

    In any event, it’s time for a CHANGE at PACC and if a few old-school, fuddy-duddy feathers are ruffled along the way, so be it.

    Why be held hostage by ‘career city council members’ who do not reflect or have your best interests in mind?

    The aforementioned candidates in your earlier post have worn out their welcome mat.

  78. > “You are forgetting retired Judge LaDoris Cordell who was elected in 2003 and served a four-year term on Palo Alto’s City Council.”

    ^ Judge Cordell represented a voice of reason at the PACC.

    She moved on to better and greener pastures as a respected journalist & legal consultant.

    Dealing with a petty PACC mentality was a waste of her talents & intellect.

  79. Raven appears here from San Diego. She professes to be a lawyer. As does Eisenberg and Lee. Tony Atkins – San Diego – CA legislator is part of the Weiner gang. For the purposes of the PACC this has nothing to do with BLM other than a wedge of opportunity. The wedge being the same issues that we debate all of the time – the Weiner gangs need to destruct PA as we know it and make into a peninsula Hong Kong.
    Add to that the new head of the SVLG lives in Menlo Park so we are in the bubble of opportunity.
    At least one thing will get done – the train – a train is needed for all of this to work.
    Forget BLM – for the purposes of the PACC it is only a wedge of opportunity.

  80. “Raven Malone does not live in our Triple El neighborhood as she stated in this article.”

    Well, I wouldn’t want us to be doxxing anyone (we should be better than 4chan), but we do need PAO to do a little fact checking on her background rather than take it at face value.

    Certainly doesn’t look good to have your residency questioned. I didn’t know being elected to PACC had the same attraction as attending Gunn or Paly.

    But it is part of the playbook to infiltrate institutions and try to destroy them from within. At least the Soviets of old tried to build grassroots slowly over time. If you look at the work they did in Alabama started in the late 20’s and 30’s, it took 30 years to build the foundation for what happened in the 60s. (see: William L. Patterson – or maybe just listen to him: )

    Ah, the impatience of this generation.

  81. “Dealing with a petty PACC mentality was a waste of her talents & intellect.”

    She and others effectively and quickly got the city manager and boy mayor to rescind the idiotic 10-day curfew they unilaterally imposed on PA baaed on rumors, a curfew that was twice as long as in cities like San Jose.

    Good for Cordell that’s why she’s widely respected.

    Of course PACC has all sorts of problems. That’s why we need good informed solid leadership there.

    Will your candidate find it a “waste of her talent and intellect” after a year? That’s what you seem to be supporting.

    When Pat/Rick Boone ran for CC last term as an unknown newcomer who happened to be black/African American, he did an impressive amount of outreach to understand the issues, to seek input and introduce himself and his positions to various community groups.

    Back to the issues, is she pro-YIMBY? What’s her stance on rent control? What’s her stance on the MTA/ABAG targets and what will she do about them? Where’s her bio for those of us who don’t know her? Where’s her outreach?

  82. @ Me 2 & Resident 1-Adobe Meadows

    ∆ I concur with your assessment as I am a Millenial-aged African-American conservative who begs to differ with her parents over perceived social ills and issues.

    If in fact some of these recently announced candidates for the
    Palo Alto City Council are indeed subversive and disruptive out-of-towners bent on messing with city politics then they should be outed and identified.

    Not all African Americans support a liberal, blank check and overly PC society.

    Acknowledgments of past social improprities & injustices ideally serve as an impetus for constructive social change and this goal will not be met by the destruction of public monuments and rioting in the streets OR by electing candidates with questionable political backgrounds and/or platforms.

  83. While reiterating our mutual support for Raven Malone in her Palo Alto city council bid, it should be noted dearest Celia that current Republican African-Americans (with the exception of Reconstruction era African-American Republicans), are African-Americans in denial of the past and their identity.

    Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson are prime examples as they are merely being used (based on their denial) by the white Republican plutocracy to forward their ongoing agenda of inequality and injustice towards people of color in a continuous effort to preserve their economic sovereignty over minorities.

    Wake up girl…we love you but you are LOST in your idealogies!

  84. Why do all the swooning “I’m so glad Raven is running” or “God sent Raven to save our community” style comments smell like the usual Palo Alto Forward gang posts?

  85. Hey all – history is history. Africa is the second biggest continent on the planet. It is where the human beings emerged. PBS has CD’s on Africa – the Great Civilizations. Multitudes of civilizations within with the great natural resources of the continent. Many tribes competing for resources and dominance. Kingdoms upon kingdoms. Some tribes selling other captive tribes as slaves. Then the Europeans came to buy diamonds, gold, copper, plant products. Then the European nations decided to colonize Africa which was it’s downfall.
    They came to North America to colonize it. They sent the white and black people to work the land. We – the colonist eventually said enough is enough. The whole east coast is filled with markers for battles that took place.
    Today – the African nations are no longer colonized but are independent countries. The African countries need to be part of the world trades for the valuable resources. Many people today do their history and are proud of their African relatives who fought great battles. They do not see themselves as weak – they see themselves as great warriors who transitioned from point A to point B and are now working members of this country. All of our relatives got sent here and made this our land. Even the Indians came from Africa over the land bridges. Why denigrate everyone else who is proud of being here and making it. You can’t start history where you want to make an argument – it is on Wikipedia.

  86. @Resident 1-Adobe Meadows,

    To better understand the banal proletarian hell-scape ABAG, PAF, Weiner, Levy, and Fine have planned for Palo Alto, and how the train fits into that plan, you might want to take a look at this video:

    I think you will find a remarkable similarity between the buildings depicted in the video and the buildings being constructed along the El Camino in southern Palo Alto and northern Mountain View.

  87. Whiteness loves gatekeeping: I decide when YOU have lived in Palo Alto long enough to dare to run for CC.

    Whiteness loves gatekeeping: I decide when a person is old enough to dare to run for CC.

    Whiteness loves accountability…for others: YOU must answer for every utterance of BLM before I can take you seriously.

    Whiteness loves gatekeeping: I get to announce that candidate X does not even LIVE in the neighborhood.

    Whiteness loves to catastrophise change: If Candidate X gets elected, we’ll become Berkeley.

    Whiteness loves a straw man argument: Clearly she believes X because BLM, she’s young, not from here etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Whiteness loves performance over action: I will posture on Town Square and argue minutiae as a democracy performance.

    We’re all living in this white-centric world. Hello Palo Altans, yes you, the ones with the BLM yard signs. Time to disrupt the discourse. How can you use your voice to lift up unheard voices? You can start here on TownSquare. Raven deserves to be lifted up and given a chance to rise and fall on her merits. Don’t let the white-centered perspective seen here in comments win the day.

    Then, organize.

  88. Whiteness loves gatekeeping: Take your thoughts somewhere else. You are engaging in a “shakedown”

    Whiteness loves defining racism for us: I decide when something is racist. NOT YOU.

    Whiteness loves defining racism for us: If a place is not majority white, racism is not possible.

    Whiteness loves defining racism for us: You get to speak up, but not too much. Otherwise you’re being “divisive”.

    Let’s engage and uplift new voices. Let’s give Raven a chance. Let’s interrogate our internalized racism while we’re at it.

  89. Raven,
    Welcome to the campaign. I look forward to a serious and thoughtful discussion about how we can be a better community for all.

  90. Grew up here, raising my family here, and very happy to see Raven enter the city council race. We need fewer people like me on City Council. I’m looking forward to learning about Raven’s vision for our city.

  91. @ Anony Mouse

    Good points. From a historical
    and global perspective, 90% of the world’s problems were created by the actions of white folks.

  92. > “The majority of Palo Altman’s are not white.”

    ^ Wrong. 64.2% white, 27.1% Asian, 1.9% African-American, 4.2% Hispanic & the remaining smaller %s Pacific Islander & Native American.
    source: Wikipedia.

    This amounts to roughly a 2-1 ratio favoring Caucasians and will most likely be reflected in a biased voting pattern.

    Economic disparity accounts for this disparity and the impact of a preferential race card bias cannot be overlooked.

    And the majority demographic will naturally strive to protect its interests.

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