
Publication Date: Friday Aug 22, 1997


On historic regulations:

Publication Date: Friday Aug 22, 1997

On historic regulations:

Homeowners headache

The interim historic regulations have been an unnecessary headache for the homeowners. Duf Sundheim Barbara Drive, Palo Alto (By voice mail)

A huge benefit

I think the historic regulations have been a huge benefit to the community. They are the only thing standing in the way of virtual destruction of our neighborhoods in terms of their historic, and in some cases, aesthetic quality. I am concerned that the Palo Alto City Council has reversed two of the three appeals of the Historic Resources Board rulings that have come before it. I feel that the City Council is not carrying out the intent of the historic regulations in that regard. Karen Kolling Forest Avenue, Palo Alto (By voice mail)

Fine tuning needed

I believe that, taking the long view, the interim historic regulations have definitely benefitted the community. The key word is interim. Something had to be done to slow the wholesale demolition of older homes. These demolitions threatened to completely destroy the character of Palo Alto. The regulations probably do need fine tuning, but I'd hate to see our city back down under threats of lawsuits and leave those of use who can't afford lawyers to look at and live with the results of letting unrestrained market forces decide the issue. Sylvia Gartner Moreno Avenue, Palo Alto On Menlo Park lawsuit:

Publication Date: Friday Aug 22, 1997

On Menlo Park lawsuit:

Support for suit

As a Palo Alto resident, I wish to state my support of Menlo Park's lawsuit against Palo Alto and Stanford over the proposed Sand Hill Road Project. I have also supported the citizens Sand Hill initiative sponsored by MPACT, but I am concerned that it does not sufficiently limit the Sand Hill projects. Janice Wilson Guinda Street, Palo Alto (By voice mail) On other subjects:

Publication Date: Friday Aug 22, 1997

On other subjects:

Finding channel 70

The crisis of our local cable system has been extensively reported in your paper. But neither your newspaper or the promotional output from the cable company has even touched on the most astonishing feature of their offerings: Channel 70, Ovation. This is a cultural outlet with profoundly original and delightful programs, many of them from the BBC Channel 3, I understand. Wherever the source, we have never failed to find the programs of superior quality, consisting of music, art, opera, jazz, theater, all in the most original format. From the first time we found the channel by my random scoping, we have not had other than a superb experience on Channel 70. Please talk it up. It will save local cable. Ryland Kelley West Floresta Way, Portola Valley

Update needed

Please, please, give us an update on the six boys who murdered Bert Kay. It is so frustrating when we hear of something terrible like this so close to home and then we (the public) seem to lose interest. Remember, we still have his widow and small children in our area. I think we should be kept updated on the situation on the boys who did this and what the consequences will be for them. Stephanie Zimmerman Curtner Avenue, Palo Alto (By voice mail) 

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