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In this week’s letters to the editor, local residents thank U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo as well as an unknown but kind stranger.

The kindness of strangers


On Monday, Nov. 13, I stopped at the Midtown Safeway to pick up a few items. When I came out, I evidently dropped my coin purse next to my car in the parking lot. It had in it all my credit cards, my driver’s license, and about $100.

I had no idea I had lost it until the front desk at my residence called to tell me a gentleman had just turned it in. He had obviously looked at my address and had taken the trouble of driving over to where I lived, instead of just turning in the purse to Safeway. But he left!

So I didn’t have the chance to thank him and am writing in hopes that he will see this and know how overwhelmingly grateful I am, especially when I think of the trouble it would have been to replace my credit cards.

I just hope I will have the chance to pay such a kind gesture forward.

With gratitude for all the thoughtful, honest people in this world,

Lois Fowkes

Webster Street, Palo Alto

Kudos to Eshoo


Regarding “Silicon Valley congresswoman Anna Eshoo announces retirement” (Nov. 21):

California Sen. Josh Becker told the San Jose Spotlight: “She is a combination we’ve never seen before of warmth, strength and effectiveness. She’s so hard working, and with the utmost integrity and love of America and our institutions.”

I couldn’t agree more. Rep. Eshoo has been unwavering in her dedication to supporting and improving the lives of not only her constituents, but of all Americans. I feel honored that Rep. Eshoo has been my representative these past 30 years. I’ve enjoyed attending her numerous town hall meetings, telephone town halls and fundraiser gatherings. Plus, her Friday weekly report is always chock full of helpful and important information about her work in Congress.

But the thing that stands out most in my mind is the time, dedication and support that Rep. Eshoo has given to the volunteer members of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a grassroots advocacy organization working on solutions to climate change.

Referring to climate change as an “existential threat,” Rep. Eshoo takes time out of her busy schedule to meet with CCL volunteers twice a year. The meetings are working sessions with active discussions regarding the information that CCL volunteers provide. We always leave each meeting feeling energized knowing that we have an ally in Congress who has listened, shared her insights, and shown us the utmost respect.

Eshoo’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act and the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act make her a climate hero in my mind. She will certainly be a hard act to follow.

I look forward to our final meetings with Rep. Eshoo in the coming year and am wishing her all the best in her retirement.

Paula Danz

Morton Avenue, Los Altos

The Palo Alto Weekly welcomes letters to the editor on local issues. Letters should be in good taste, non-libelous and within our 400-word limit. You’ll need to include your full name and the name of the street you live on, plus the city. Email by Wednesday noon of the week of publication.

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