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The Oshman Family Jewish Community Center and other organizations are hosting a South Peninsula Solidarity Gathering for Israel at the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. in response to the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, a Palestinian militant organization.

“This is an important community-wide event to express our support for the people of Israel and to take comfort and strength by gathering together,” the JCC stated on Facebook.

State Sen. Josh Becker and Assembly member Marc Berman will be among those speaking at the gathering. The event will also include prayers and songs of mourning, remembrance and peace, according to Nathaniel Bergson-Michelson, the JCC’s chief marketing officer.

About 30 organizations are partners in hosting the event, including local synagogues, Jewish schools, nonprofit organizations and the Consulate General of Israel.

“Our hearts are with the wounded, killed and kidnapped families in Israel. We pray together for the strength and safety of the Israeli people, a swift end to the war and that everyone will return home in peace. We stand with the JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council) community in our steadfast support for Israel,” the Oshman Family JCC posted on Facebook.

The Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco stated on its Facebook page: “Today we awoke in shock and horror as we learned Hamas terrorists have launched an unprecedented assault on Israeli citizens from land and sky. We unequivocally condemn this terror campaign and are unwavering in our support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens. We thank the Biden Administration, world leaders, and our California and Bay Area leaders and friends for speaking out to stand with the people of Israel during this difficult time.”

Over the weekend, hundreds of people on both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict protested in the Bay Area. Supporters of Palestine who view the attack as justified self-defense gathered outside the Israeli consulate in San Francisco. They called for the U.S. to stop sending funds to Israel and to urge Israeli to end its 16-year blockade of Gaza.

As of Monday night, the Associated Press reported that 1,600 people on both sides of the war, which has drawn an Israeli military response, had been killed.

Along the Peninsula, Israeli students at Stanford University held a candlelight vigil on Sunday night, while Chabad MidPen held a prayer event on Monday.

More information about the Oshman JCC event and registration to attend can be found at

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