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State Assembly member David Chiu, D-San Francisco, has proposed extending California’s eviction moratorium through Dec. 31, 2021. Embarcadero Media file photo by Olivia Treynor.

With California’s eviction moratorium set to expire in less than 60 days and 2 million people at risk of losing their rental homes, a group of tenant-friendly lawmakers wants to forestall evictions for another year.

The proposal, introduced Monday by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman David Chiu, would forbid landlords from evicting renters financially harmed by the pandemic through Dec. 31, 2021. Renters would have until then to come up with a quarter of the back rent they’ve accumulated since last September to avoid being kicked out in 2022.

Chiu’s bill marks the opening salvo in negotiations over one of the most pressing issues state lawmakers and Gov. Gavin Newsom will have to tackle in the coming weeks. If nothing is done by Jan. 31, an estimated 240,000 California households with rental debt could be evicted just months away from a vaccine.

“The possibility that tens of thousands of folks could be forced from their homes would make COVID much more likely to spread and have devastating health consequences,” said Chiu. “We can’t allow that to be California’s fate.”

While landlord groups are open to extending an eviction moratorium for a more limited period of time, they argue they can’t afford nearly two years of missed payments. California landlords have been unable to evict tenants who have lost earnings or faced higher medical costs because of COVID-19 since April, when the state court system temporarily shut down eviction cases.

“We’re not going to see property owners survive all the way through 2021 if (Chiu) takes it all the way through December with no assurance that we’re going to get financial help,” said Debra Carlton, lobbyist for the California Apartment Association. She added that a proposal that revisits the necessity of a moratorium in a few months may be a nimbler approach.

Newsom was instrumental in brokering last summer’s compromise, which has largely stemmed a feared eviction tsunami thus far. This time, he and state lawmakers are looking to Washington, D.C., for help.

“Significant federal stimulus is absolutely necessary — and the governor will keep advocating to President-elect Biden and congressional leaders, making the case for renter and homeowner relief,” said Jesse Melgar, communications director for the governor.

California renters owe about $1.7 billion in back rent, according to an estimate by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. That number is likely to grow significantly in the coming months if Congress allows extended unemployment benefits to expire at the end of the year.

Anya Lawler, a lobbyist for the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation and advocate for other tenant groups, expressed hope that if a major federal rental assistance package is passed in the next few months, tenant and landlord groups could come to a compromise on when the moratorium should expire.

“I think that we are all hoping that that Dec. 31 date is not necessary and that we have the tools we need to work with quickly so that we can craft a long-term solution and the (moratorium) provisions can expire,” said Lawler.

‘The possibility that tens of thousands of folks could be forced from their homes would make COVID much more likely to spread and have devastating health consequences. We can’t allow that to be California’s fate.’

David Chiu, state Assembly member

While Chiu has introduced separate legislation that expresses an intent to provide financial assistance to renters and small landlords, the bill does not provide any specifics yet on how much money that would entail or how it would be distributed.

Carlton, the landlord lobbyist, said that a figure in the neighborhood of $850 million would be enormously helpful, and that landlords are willing to accept some losses.

Should the current moratorium expire at the end of January, renters who are able to pay 25% of the rent owed since September will be allowed to stay in their apartment. But landlords are still able to pursue the full rental debt accumulated since last April in small claims court — they just can’t evict tenants for not paying the other 75% of it.

Beyond how long a moratorium extension should last, landlord and tenant groups will grapple over whether any such extension should preempt local governments from providing more generous renter protections, such as a longer moratorium or more time to pay back landlords.

Chiu’s proposal also bars landlords from charging late fees on missed rent, a provision missing from last summer’s compromise that renter groups say some landlords have exploited.

Carlton said landlords don’t object to that provision.

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  1. I would prefer that the government be responsible for some of these payments.

    Why is it that we always think that landlords should be punished and held responsible in this way? They did not sign for their tenants, the tenants signed.

    If the government finds that something needs to be done to keep people in their homes while they cannot pay, the government should be responsible.

  2. @rsmithjr…

    Good point…maybe something along the lines of an emergency section 8 voucher for a set period of time (i.e 30 days or more) & renewable upon further review of the economic conditions warranting such assistance?

    Akin to the current & temporary food stamp extensions due to the Covid-19 pandemic & lost wages.

  3. It about time that someone is seeing how long this situation is going to take to potentially recover.

    I agree that the mortgages should be put on holiday for these landlords too, as well as property taxes. Perhaps allowing landlords to submit their accounting for independent review so that they can receive what funds for rent necessary to cover all other expenses. But the reality is that if we keep going like this the next tsunami wave of a great depression will hit CA let alone the World.

    But the grim reality is that the employment climate in CA is not going to get close to pre COVID for at least 2 to 3 years.

    The plans for this reality should be adopted ASAP.

  4. If the government thinks it is no big deal for the landlords to absorb all the non-paid rent, then the government should just pick up the rent tab for the renters and then have the renters pay the government back a year later. If the renters don’t pay the government back, the government can withhold the rent owed from the renter’s paychecks. There are so many mom and pop landlords who rely on these rents as their primary form of income. Why is the government not helping them?!

  5. Jennifer,

    Please understand, there WAS and NEVER will be a guaranty that a “mom and pop” who “INVEST” in rental properties are going to be profitable.

    In fact the risk is VERY high.

    The problem is that REAL ESTATE agents PRETEND to be investment advisors in selling properties for INVESTMENT.

    In fact it is illegal since they are not licensed in California to sell INVESTEMNTS, if you look at the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation here (

    Only where a Real Estate Agent has the required INVESTMENT ADVISOR license are they even allowed to sell an INVESTMENT.

    SO the Real Estate Agents basically fooled many “mom and pops” into getting into a dangerous business.

    Please refer to my previous post, I want to make it feasible to these people, but the COVID crisis is not going to go away.

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