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Jennifer DiBrienza, Todd Collins and Jesse Ladomirak are among the six candidates running for Palo Alto school board this fall. Photos by Magali Gauthier.

It’s been an exhausting and frustrating six months for anyone with school-aged kids, as well as the teachers, administrators and school board trustees responsible for our children’s education.

School leaders have been trying to develop and implement reopening plans in the midst of a chaotic, ever-changing environment, while teachers and their union push back because of what they believe are inadequate safety measures. And as the pandemic has dragged on and frustrations have grown, parents and teachers are raising legitimate questions about how the public school system is responding.

In times of crisis, trust and good communications become the two most essential ingredients for operating any organization. Trust, which is built over years, not months, is a reservoir that can quickly be drained, especially when good, clear communication is lacking. Unfortunately, this is where the Palo Alto Unified School District finds itself. The lack of clarity in district communications with the public during the last few months has eroded the fragile trust that had been slowly building over the last four years at the very time it was needed most.

Superintendent Don Austin, just two years into his job in Palo Alto, has worked hard under these difficult circumstances. Faced with zigzagging public health guidance, he and his team had to constantly shift gears in the face of changing circumstances. It’s hard to fault him or the school board for not finding the perfect plan that would satisfy everyone.

But parents did expect to be heard and involved, and to have clear, centrally located information available about the district’s plans. The district’s website and home page, newly launched (again) right in the middle of the pandemic, does an awful job at presenting the information parents need. The “return to school” information reads like a government report instead of providing clear, practical and up-to-date guidance to parents of what is happening and why. And nothing is to be found that explains to parents the very vocal health concerns of their children’s teachers or how they are being addressed.

So it is in this environment that four candidates, frustrated by what one described as a “hot mess” of flawed district communications with the community, have stepped up to run for three seats on the school board against two incumbents, Jennifer DiBrienza and Todd Collins, both in their first terms. Trustee Melissa Baten Caswell is stepping down after 13 years. (Voters approved term limits in 2018 that will limit newly elected board members to eight total years, but those already in office were not affected.)

One of the most noteworthy qualities of this group of six candidates is that four of them (incumbent Jennifer DiBrienza and challengers Jesse Ladmirak, Karna Niswaner and Matt Nagle) actually have children in the schools. With DiBrienza being the only current trustee with kids enrolled in the district, the board has not been as connected with the parent community as it should be. This has been a particular problem in the current situation, when anxious parents needed to feel their views were being heard and respected. The board shouldn’t have been caught flat-footed as parent concerns neared a boiling point over the last two weeks.

DiBrienza and Collins have both served the district well during their first terms and we strongly support their reelection. The last six, COVID-impacted months notwithstanding, the last four years has been a period of steady re-building of district operations following many years of poor management and a culture of non-accountability. DiBrienza and Collins, along with Trustee Ken Dauber, helped lead the board beyond its past divisions and finally pushed out former superintendent Max McGee and restored order with the appointment of an interim superintendent. The board hired Austin, who went to work replacing senior managers and principals that McGee had put in place, bringing order and stability and putting an end to the constant drama. The board brought in outside resources to investigate the sexual harassment cases that had led to multiple complaints by the federal Office for Civil Rights and took corrective personnel actions to begin rebuilding trust in the district. Collins, DiBrienza and Dauber, in their roles as the last three board presidents, played important roles in guiding Austin as he sought to reorganize and strengthen a troubled organization.

DiBrienza, with two children in the schools, the oldest now a sophomore at Paly, has a doctorate in education from Stanford, is an educational consultant specializing in math instruction and earlier in her career was an elementary teacher. In her first term, when not working with her colleagues to address the district’s management problems, she has focused on the educational experiences of students in the classroom and on addressing educational equity and student well-being. She is a clear and direct communicator with her ear to the ground and a willingness to call out mistakes when they happen.

Collins, a private equity investor who has advised many companies and CEOs, has three grown children, two of whom graduated from Gunn High School, and served on several school committees prior to running four years ago. He helped bring much more discipline to the board’s oversight of the past and current superintendent and the district’s fiscal operations. He doggedly pressed McGee to properly carry out his most fundamental responsibilities, such as getting board minutes written, Public Records Act requests responded to and holding senior administrators accountable for failures to follow policies and legal mandates. Collins’ financial expertise alone is worthy of his reelection.

For the third seat we recommend Jesse Ladomirak, a Palo Alto native with three children at Addison Elementary School and one at Greene Middle School. Along with her husband, she owns a San Francisco home renovation business and functions as its general manager and CFO. She is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s School of Law and previously worked for a law firm that represented public agencies, giving her a valuable understanding of the legal duties and responsibilities of the school district. She has worked extensively with kids as a tutor, including at the Opportunity Center and in East Palo Alto through the nonprofit All Students Matter.

Ladomirak’s interest in running for school board was prompted by what she felt was the district’s inadequate communications with parents during the pandemic and the disconnect between the administration and teachers about distance learning and reopening plans, both of which she says has led to a breakdown in trust. She is very aligned with the current board’s priorities on student health and wellness and on improving outcomes for all students, especially low income students and students of color. She also sees a need to reach out to parents who aren’t among those who currently voice their concerns to the board so that these families are better represented.

Had there been another slot available, we’d recommend Karna Nisewaner, an attorney and recent board chair of Palo Alto Community Child Care with two kids at Addison. She shares many of Ladomirak’s qualities and views of district needs. The two Addison parents each decided to run without knowing about the other’s plans. We hope she’ll consider running again in 2022.

Matt Nagle is a former Juana Briones Elementary School principal who moved back to Palo Alto earlier this year after several years as a principal and teacher in a small, 500-student school district in west Marin County. He’s got a helpful insider perspective, but having a recent school administrator on the school board comes with too many opportunities for a confusion of roles and responsibilities.

Katie Causey is a 2012 Paly graduate who describes herself as a “community advocate.” She is the only candidate endorsed by the teachers union and, along with Nagle, said she opposes the reopening plan unanimously approved by the school board last week because of concerns over teacher health and safety.

With Causey not having any children, she is not the best candidate for a district that is already lacking in needed parent perspective on the board.

Out of a strong field, we recommend Jennifer DiBrienza, Todd Collins and Jesse Ladomirak for the Palo Alto school board.

Read the Weekly’s endorsement of four candidates for City Council — Pat Burt, Ed Lauing, Lydia Kou and Greer Stone — here.

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  1. A lot of us called this a long time ago because of the money given to the PA Weekly. The records show almost $10,000 in advertising to Bill Johnson from Jennifer DiBrienza. It will interesting to see how much Jesse Ladomirak gave because she had the most money. Either way, Bill really had no choice. I’ve already voted so it makes no difference to me.

  2. If you feel the status quo is fine, then these indeed are your candidates. There is an emerging understanding among parents of deep problems with the district.

    Our level of service to students of color and those with special needs has serious, deep, and well-documented deficiencies. The “middle school problem” has becomes a common topic among community parents. Our enrollment is declining. We have lowered our bar of academic excellence, pushing to eliminate grades and model ourselves after San Francisco Unified (that’s no joke). Our covid response has been chaotic, unmeasured, and riddled with communication and strategic errors. We haver money coming out of our ears, now up to ~$23,000 per student per kid.

    The challenge isn’t money. We have a serious crisis of leadership.

    This election will be decided based on how much this understanding has spread from parents out to the general community, especially older voters.

    Take Karna and Jesse for example. Listening to their responses in forums, my guess is that they are both dissatisfied with the district yet feel winning requires a positive persona.

    The Weekly will only get the message when Palo Alto real estate starts to feel the impact. One friend, new to town, was shocked when her realtor gave her the rundown of private school versus public schooling options. She thought people moved here for the public schools. Historically, yes, and we need to make that true again.

  3. Katie Causey has a perspective that has been totally missing from the board, often with disastrous consequences. She has the greatest perspective and is the most grounded in reality in terms of addressing the basic student health and safety issues. Students have not had their heard voice on the board, as shown by how the only two votes dissenting from the reopening plan were the non-binding votes of the student reps. Katie Causey would be a voice that listens to students on the board.

  4. I usually agree with the Weekly’s picks, but not this time. Nagle and Causey are the only 2 candidates who want all proper safety plans in place before reopening, including the online option for those students who cannot/will not return during covid. They have my votes.

  5. We still have very strong math programs at Gunn and Paly, but PAUSD’s 1-8th grade math is heavily influenced by reform math. We have many capable and hard-working teachers, but they have been constrained and misguided by such notorious textbooks as Everyday Math. When PAUSD finally decided to drop Everyday Math in 2016-17, Jennifer DiBrienza, a student of the foremost math reformer Jo Boaler (see Jo Boaler’s Reform Math Fallacy, enthusiastically pushed Investigations (aka TERC), for which she was a contributing author, into PAUSD. TERC‘s Investigations is a notorious math-free textbook that is even much worse than Everyday Math (see, and numerous comments on the web) . Last fall, after successfully transformed SFUSD’s math programs, Jo Boaler and David Foster were welcome by PAUSD to help “reimagine” its middle school math.
    Reform math championed by math educational professionals like Jo Boaler and Jennifer DiBrienza has been dumbing down American kids for years and decades. Disadvantaged kids are the biggest victims of the misguided K-12 education.

  6. This assessment dismisses the value of being a former PAUSD student — it is just as valuable as being a parent to students in the district. Katie Causey has the first hand experience of going through our school system, as well as a commitment to student safety and well being that’s sorely needed in the school board. Causey has my vote.

  7. I vote for Karna – she has raised less money, so to me, that is the better choice. Also, people tend to overlook land use issues in a school race, and I think Karna is the best candidate to consider how the District properties should be managed during and after covid.

  8. The PAUSD 14th Day Enrollment Report, 2020-21 came out today, October 9. We are down 8% this year, continuing a declining trend.

    What’s the need for a parcel tax that represents 6% of the PAUSD budget when PAUSD has lost 8% of its enrollment? ($15.6 million projected revenue from the parcel tax/ $267 million 2020-21 projected annual budget)

    Interesting how timed this was to come out after the weekly article on the parcel tax.

    Why is PAUSD announcing its enrollment in a parents only email on a Friday night rather than as an agenda item at a public board meeting, as it has done every year for the past 5 consecutive years? The 10th-14th day enrollment report is not on the Oct. 13th board agenda –

    Vote No on Measure O!

  9. (reposted with important corrections)

    I strenuously disagree that this board has taken “corrective personnel actions.” Failing to respond to demonstrable parent complaints of retaliation not even to investigate, ignoring parent complaints of failing the district’s duty to special needs students (responding mostly to the ones who sue), this is not taking “corrective action.” Allowing problem personnel — including one we had told the previous superintendent and board members we would take a restraining order against if we could to protect a child from that person’s mean, petty vindictiveness, which continued to be inflicted — to simply move to nearby districts is hardly “corrective action.”

    Turnover with NO attempt at truth and reconciliation, ignoring anyone damaged by past district misbehavior, and claiming credit for the quiet resulting from the unprecedented destruction of federal agencies and trust in federal government operations of last 4 years — the pointlessness of turning to OCR in that time — and the fear of further retaliation where absolutely zero attempt has been made to address past complaints of retaliation — has done nothing about the “culture of non-accountability.” It’s just the same old same old turnover after a shake up in which the district thinks the best thing is to ignore it’s wrongs as if that’s the same thing as resolution and rebuilding trust. I see everyone surprised by the dam breaking again. (Recall the sexual harassment mess came about after the same people were already claiming this same victory.)

    You don’t get the title of good listener or “a willingness to call out mistakes when they happen” if your response to a difficult case is to freeze them out, hoping to create an artificial, temporary calm.

    Just a reminder. Under the LAW, “Every school district has the legal [and ethical and moral] responsibility to identify, locate and evaluate children who are in need of special education services. “ Including this district. Including older children who have already been failed by the district, including if you think a case has been adequately swept under the rug.

    Nobody has been building trust for years.

    I ordinarily have common ground with the Weekly recommendations, but this time, I don’t know who to vote for. Probably Causey since she was a student here.

  10. By endorsing the incumbents, the weekly is wearing blinders and is brushing the ineffectiveness of the current board during this crisis under the carpet. The role of trustees is to hold the school administration accountable for proper leadership. Why is the weekly letting both the incumbents off the hook when there are very qualified alternatives standing? Even if they had to endorse one e.g. say Collins’ finance background and corresponding strong performance on fiscal oversight merits credit, and something we continue to need in the future. But endorsing both is weak in my opinion. Let the vote not be swayed!

  11. I am supporting a new voice with community board experience, experience requiring accountability as a deputy General Counsel of a large company, and skin in the game as a parent of 2 kids, one with an IEP and one without.

    The only person who meets this criteria is Karna Nisewiner.

    Bonus: she wants to lift the bar for ALL students.

  12. Trust the Weekly as much as you trust PAUSD. The Weekly can and will recommend any candidate that knows how to play to their perspective. What you need to do is choose for yourself.

    All 6 candidates are intelligent, prioritize social/emotional support, equity and education for all. Mix the board up and bring in someone who will question, and look from another perspective. The Weekly recommended 3 like candidates. Two that brought in the questionable Dr Austin. Is it ideal to have two current parents on the board ? Not one candidate who sees the the teachers perspective as well as the perspective of the large percentage of parents that have actually chosen to remain in remote school?

    Think twice, what do you want your 3 elected board members to bring outside of the standard ? Do you want more of the same? Time to mix it up and look at again at the other candidates.

  13. I am considering between Jennifer DiBrienza, Jesse Ladomirak, Todd Collins and Karna Nisewiner. I felt like Jennifer DiBrienza and Todd Collins cared about the students and listened to the families during their board services. Karna has the decent experience/knowledge from her previous professionals and she has kids in PAUSD which is very important that she knows how the families feel. Jesse Ladomirak strongly wants a change in the district after she experiencing herself as a parent.
    In my opinion, Katie Causey lacks of experience in handling a big school district. She sounded frantic in the school re-opening topic in the zoom meeting. Also she got the endorsement from the Teacher Union which I disagree with them.
    I would suggest to involve current high student representatives in the future meetings just like the zoom meeting last time. Their opinions are important indeed.

  14. Really sad to see this paper just endorse 2 incumbents that did NOT represent the community despite that being their job in the spring. They gave up control to the superintendent to let him do as he pleases (NOTHING) And still expect us to vote for them??
    The new Math curriculum that the board wants to implement and use our kids as guinea pigs to experiment on is totally going to be a disaster. Its sad to see 3 board members who don’t even have any kids in the district on the board.

  15. Already voted for Matt Nagel and Katie Causey. Nagel was principal when my kids were in elementary and IMO has won the two debates I saw on YouTube. Causey is really inexperienced but she is not another Todd Collins and Jennifer DiBrienza crony. Collins and DiBrienza had four years to show us what they got, and I wasn’t impressed. I voted for new people and if they can’t hack it, out they go.

  16. @Kay
    You were being nice and very polite by calling Dr. Austin “questionable.” Don’t worry, I will say it. Dr. Austin is terrible and I would love to see him GO. One can only dream.

    I’ve dealt with you before. You are way too obsessed about the Teachers Union. Move on. Katie Causey is the BEST candidate. Katie Causey wasn’t frantic at all. That’s just a silly lie. She’s an outstanding candidate and has been prepared and professional the entire time. Also, don’t pull the “lacks experience” card. How can you gain experience if you don’t get the position and no one gives you a chance? That’s nonsense. Katie Causey will be fantastic. She will be receiving my vote and she will win this election for sure now.

    Do not vote for Todd Collins. Anyone else is a better candidate than him.

    Finally, YES on Measure O. Kindly and sweetly pay your parcel tax increase and support our great teachers, students, and schools.

  17. If you feel the status quo is fine, then these indeed are your candidates. There is an emerging understanding among parents of deep problems with the district.

    Our level of service to students of color and those with special needs has serious, deep, and well-documented deficiencies. The “middle school problem” has becomes a common topic among community parents. Our enrollment is declining. We have lowered our bar of academic excellence, pushing to eliminate grades and model ourselves after San Francisco Unified (that’s no joke). Our covid response has been chaotic, unmeasured, and riddled with communication and strategic errors. We haver money coming out of our ears, now up to ~$23,000 per student per kid.

  18. @ralph

    There is definitely an increasing understanding amongst parents of deep DEEP problems with the Board + Supe.

    Unfortunately, this paper handed the incumbents re-election with this endorsement — most voters don’t have kids in the district and chose based on this endorsement.

    Unless PAO steps up impartial reporting here, its reputation will sink with the Board’s.

    Why isn’t our local paper covering, for example, the extremely dubious process via which Austin was just extended for 2 years so that his buddy from PV would fill Karen Hendrick’s vacancy?

    Nor the fact that Jennifer DiBrienza motioned to uphold the two meeting rule saying it would be a “violation to a commitment to transparency” otherwise…

    but then SHE herself seconded Ken Dauber’s motion minutes later to do EXACTLY that.

    Where is the accountability here?

    Why is this paper also not covering the extreme irony that Ken Dauber and Jennifer DiBrienza are now running to be Democratic Party delegates on a platform of…. you guessed it… ACCOUNTABILITY.

    The same Jen & Ken who constantly insist they have no political aspiration beyond serving students.

    More of our community would recognize this if our local media were functioning impartially.

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  20. What do people mean when they say the Board resigned control to Austin? Did something happen officially?

    Or is it a more general reference to Todd+Don running the show without any real oversight?

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