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A preview of Palo Alto government meetings for the week of Oct. 5.

CITY COUNCIL … The council plans to hold a pre-screening hearing for a proposed development at 2951 El Camino Real, which includes 119 residential units, 1,000 square feet of retail and 5,000 square feet of office space. The council also plans to revise regulations on accessory dwelling units, consider extending the Residential Preferential Parking Program in Old Palo Alto and consider suspending the city’s One Percent for Public Art program. The virtual meeting will begin at 5 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 5. View the full agenda here. Those wishing to participate by Zoom can do so by dialing 669-900-6833 and using Meeting ID: 362 027 238.

UTILITIES ADVISORY COMMISSION … The commission plans to consider a recommendation to update the city’s Carbon Neutral Gas Plan and discuss the adoption and integration of distributed energy resources. The virtual meeting will begin at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7. View the full agenda here. Those wishing to participate by Zoom can do so by dialing 669-900-6833 and using Meeting ID: 966 9129 7246.

HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD … The board plans to hold public hearings on Castilleja School’s growth plan and proposed renovations for a single-family home in the Professorville neighborhood. The virtual meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8. View the full agenda here. Those wishing to participate by Zoom can do so by dialing 669-900-6833 and using Meeting ID: 924 4578 2014.

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