The two women selected as Palo Alto’s most influential leaders by the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce have dedicated countless hours to helping children and families with serious medical conditions and to diversifying the city’s housing stock.

Sherri Sager, chief government and community relations officer at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, and Elaine Uang, an architect and co-founder of the grassroots housing and transportation group Palo Alto Forward, will be feted at the 2018 Athena Awards on Oct. 30, hosted by the Garden Court Hotel in downtown Palo Alto.

The Athena Awards are given to women and men who strive toward the highest level of accomplishment and who excel in their chosen field and, through their accomplishments, open paths so others may follow, according to the Chamber of Commerce.

“Among all the outstanding women in business in the Palo Alto area, these two women are being especially recognized as role models for other professionals for the generosity and impact of their community service,” Judy Kleinberg, president and CEO, said.

Sager is receiving the Athena Leadership Award and Uang Athena Emerging Professional Leadership Award.

As Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital’s chief government and community-relations officer for more than 24 years, Sager has traveled to Sacramento and Washington, D.C., to advocate for the work done at Packard hospital and for patient health, including asking Congress to pass legislation to aid children with medically complex conditions. She’s helped shape policy locally as a board member of the Joint Venture Silicon Valley. And at Packard, she has developed community-education programs.

“I am very mission focused and want to leave the world a better place than when I entered it. I think of myself as a pragmatic idealist,” she stated in an email.

Sager was raised in San Jose, earned a degree in political science from Santa Clara University and a master’s degree in public administration from San Jose State University.

She worked for presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey at the 1972 Democratic Convention, where she learned “that if you want to change the world, you have to change it from the inside,” she stated in her Joint Venture biography.

She is a current and former director of numerous nonprofit organizations, including the board chair of the San Mateo County Economic Development Association, co-vice chairperson of the Menlo Park Chamber of Commerce and board liaison for the Ravenswood Family Health Center.

It’s hard to list just one most gratifying aspect of her work, she said.

“The work that I do in government and community relations can make a difference for our patients to be able to get to the right provider at the right time and in the right place. I can cut through red tape for them,” she said.

“The advice I would give to folks is … know that everyone can make a difference. One rock can create ripples that can create other ripples. And never give up. Sometimes you have to break things down to small bites and for every two steps forward there may be a step backwards, but don’t give up. Lasting change is worth taking the time and patience so don’t get discouraged,” she wrote.

Uang, an architect and founder/owner of Architarian Design, said her work in grassroots organizing through Palo Alto Forward hasn’t necessarily been easy.

“The most satisfying thing about my civic contributions is helping to create safe spaces for people to talk about important issues. When I started housing advocacy in 2013, Palo Alto was full of voices opposing Maybell and ‘dense,’ low-income senior housing,” she stated in an email.

“Housing was not something you could publicly support without being vilified by the most vocal anti-housing voices,” she said.

This year, her two greatest achievements were garnering support for the city’s affordable-housing overlay and helping Pastor Rick Mixon and his community partners obtain the city’s permission to use First Baptist Church as a community center, she said.

“The affordable-housing overlay reaffirms support for housing policy and new laws/standards that help make future affordable housing projects more feasible in Palo Alto. We haven’t seen any 100 percent below-market-rate housing approved or built in nine years,” she said.

Building community is important to Uang, which is why she worked with others to help First Baptist Church create a space for people to come together in shared activities, she said.

In 2017, she championed reforms to the city’s accessory-dwelling-unit ordinance and parking programs, both of which the Palo Alto City Council passed.

Uang earned a bachelor of arts degree in human biology from Stanford University and a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Virginia. She is a 2015-2016 Leadership Palo Alto fellow.

The Athena Emerging Professional Leadership Award recognizes a woman who “is newer to the professional world and who already demonstrates excellence, creativity and initiative in her business or profession and the community,” according to the Chamber.

The Athena Awards will begin with a networking reception from 11 a.m. to noon, followed by the awards luncheon. Sponsorships are available by calling 650-324-3121 or Individual tickets and table sales are currently available at

The Palo Alto Weekly is a co-sponsor of the Athena Awards.

The Palo Alto Weekly is a co-sponsor of the Athena Awards.

The Palo Alto Weekly is a co-sponsor of the Athena Awards.

Sue Dremann is a veteran journalist who joined the Palo Alto Weekly in 2001. She is an award-winning breaking news and general assignment reporter who also covers the regional environmental, health and...

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  1. Congratulations, Elaine! Lots of people want more housing in Palo Alto, but you’re one of the few willing to dive into the nitty gritty of the issue: local code, civic meetings. Boring stuff, but change starts at the level of these small details.

  2. Elaine!!! This is a well-deserved award. Congratulations!!
    And Sherri, your leadership is invaluable. I’m so glad to see it recognized.

  3. Elaine is amazing.. I’m so proud to know her and to have had a chance to work with her. She’s tireless, and is so committed to improving her community. She listens to everyone, and is a no-nonsense get-stuff-done sort of person. She makes our city so much better.

    Thanks for everything you so, Elaine! Well-deserved!

  4. Congratulations to both Sherri and Elaine! Sherri’s work sounds amazing and I know Elaine well and have such admiration for her dedication to housing and transportation issues in our city. Great choices!

  5. Congrats Elaine Uang and Sherri Sager! I first got to know Elaine through her Architectural walks and then often bumped into her while playing augmented reality games (<cough!> Pokémon go). Elaine is ceaseless and organized in her quest to make Palo Alto more vibrant, livable and inclusive. And yet she does it in such a way that you feel delighted and listened to even when you disagree with her. The award couldn’t have gone to a nicer person and truly represents the best of Palo Alto imho.

  6. Elaine was one of the first people I met in Palo Alto when I moved here several years ago. She is brilliant, kind, and an awesome mom. I learn so much from her and Palo Alto is lucky to have her. Well deserved!

  7. Congratulations to two outstanding community leaders. Elaine and Sherri, both of you have been tireless and selfless advocates, and we’re all the better for it. In these times, it’s wonderful to celebrate civic mindedness and generosity of spirit. Thanks for all you do and will continue to do for our community.

  8. So grateful for Elaine Uang’s tireless work to make Palo Alto more inclusive, representative, and livable. She is the kind of intelligent, empathetic and visionary leader that makes every community better. Thank you, Elaine!

  9. Congratulations, Elaine! You’ve always been thoughtful, well-informed, and patient beyond measure. What a well-deserved recognition for what is often thankless and invisible work.

  10. Congratulations to both leaders for these awards. We are so lucky to live in a community with people who are willing to step up and offer their time and talent to make an impact for others. Elaine not only serves on numerous city and committees, she also helped Gunn High School students choose cheerful new paint colors for their fantastic school and is raising two beautiful daughters. I am in awe of all that these women do!

  11. As Elaine’s husband, it’s amazing to read all of the positive things on here! We’re all aware of the terrible stuff going on politically – especially at the national level but often at the local level too – and this is a nice break from that. I’ve seen first-hand how much Elaine has sacrificed (and dealt with) to help educate Palo Altans and make the city a little better and more inclusive. Congratulations and so glad to read all of the nice things!

  12. Congratulations Elaine! So proud of you and amazed to see all the efforts you have put in to participate and contribute in the local community. Continue your great work!

    And Sherri Sager, Congratulations!

  13. Congratulations Sherri! I can’t think of a person who has touched so many people, organizations and School Districts in so many ways. Whenever we had ideas for programs or teachers needed funding to attend trainings a call to Sherri about the need for funding with intended positive outcomes would lead to a quick response to help. Sherri is a longtime Advocate for Healthcare legislation and follows closely bills that directly affect our physical and mental health. Thanks Sherri for your passion, your open mind, professionalism and dedication to move us towards a healthier community!

  14. Congratulations, Elaine! What a wonderful and well-deserved honor. We know how tirelessly you work on community projects and how much time, effort, and commitment you put into all your work
    And we know very first hand what a wonderful mom (and wife) you are. From a very unbiased point of view!

  15. Wow, an architect who lobbies for deregulation of the building industry, congrats Chamber and City!!!

    Corporations are people too! When will the Athena go to the most popular ATM? Equal rights for soulless boxes of metal, plastic and electronics.

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